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HTTP Server Header Checker
    Server IP :

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Connection: keep-alive

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    p3p: CP="This is not a P3P policy. See https://www.pinterest.com/_/_/help/articles/pinterest-and-p3p for more info."

    content-security-policy: default-src 'self' blob: s.pinimg.com; font-src 'self' s.pinimg.com data: fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com use.typekit.net; style-src 'self' blob: 'unsafe-inline' data: *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com accounts.google.com fonts.googleapis.com *.adyen.com *.adyenpayments.com; img-src blob: data: *; base-uri 'none'; connect-src 'self' blob: *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com accounts.google.com *.adyen.com pinterest-salvador.s3.amazonaws.com *.adyenpayments.com *.facebook.com www.googleapis.com *.dropboxapi.com pinterest-aberdeen.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-aberdeen.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-anaheim.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-anaheim.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-hilo.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-hilo.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-sim-toontown.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-sim-toontown.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-media-upload.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-media-upload.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-media-upload.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com pinterest-media-upload.s3-accelerate.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-milwaukee.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-milwaukee.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-poughkeepsie.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-poughkeepsie.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-waterloo.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-waterloo.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-plymouth.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-plymouth.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-salvador.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com *.cedexis.com *.cedexis-radar.net *.tvpixel.com api.pinadmin.com *.live-video.net https://*.daily.co https://*.pluot.blue wss://*.wss.daily.co; form-action 'self' *.adyen.com *.sofort.com *.adyenpayments.com; frame-src 'self' *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com *.adyen.com static-sandbox.dlocal.com static.dlocal.com *.google.com *.facebook.com www.recaptcha.net pinterest-hilo.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-hilo.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-sim-toontown.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-sim-toontown.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-milwaukee.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-milwaukee.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-waterloo.s3.amazonaws.com pinterest-waterloo.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com pinterest-tolu.s3.amazonaws.com *.pinterdev.com content.googleapis.com *.youtube.com *.ytimg.com player.vimeo.com calendly.com vine.co bid.g.doubleclick.net *.fls.doubleclick.net pinlogs.s3.amazonaws.com pinlogs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com advertising-delivery-metric-reports.s3.amazonaws.com advertising-delivery-metric-reports.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com servedby.flashtalking.com pinterest-uk.admo.tv pinterest-uk-web.admo.tv fbrpc://call *.linkedin.com px.ads.linkedin.com; media-src 'self' blob: data: *.pinimg.com *.live-video.net; object-src 'self'; script-src 'nonce-7b3d966a3cf74bc016bdceb3705a8ec2' 'strict-dynamic' 'self' blob: 'unsafe-inline' *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com *.adyen.com js.dlocal.com js-sandbox.dlocal.com static-sandbox.dlocal.com static.dlocal.com *.adyenpayments.com 'report-sample' *.google.com connect.facebook.net *.google-analytics.com *.facebook.com *.googleadservices.com *.doubleclick.net *.googletagmanager.com radar.cedexis.com *.cedexis-test.com www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ www.gstatic.cn/recaptcha/ www.recaptcha.net 'wasm-unsafe-eval'; worker-src 'self' blob: 'unsafe-inline'; report-uri /_/_/csp_report/?rid=1869942727489673; frame-ancestors 'self' , script-src 'self' blob: 'unsafe-inline' *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com *.adyen.com js.dlocal.com js-sandbox.dlocal.com static-sandbox.dlocal.com static.dlocal.com *.adyenpayments.com 'report-sample' *.google.com connect.facebook.net *.google-analytics.com *.facebook.com *.googleadservices.com *.doubleclick.net *.googletagmanager.com radar.cedexis.com *.cedexis-test.com www.gstatic.com/recaptcha/ www.gstatic.cn/recaptcha/ www.recaptcha.net 'wasm-unsafe-eval'; report-uri /_/_/csp_report/?rid=1869942727489673

    content-security-policy-report-only: img-src 'self' blob: data: *.pinimg.com *.pinterest.com *.google.com *.facebook.com *.cedexis.com *.cedexis-test.com *.citrix.com *.tvpixel.com; report-uri /_/_/csp_report/?reportonly

    x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN

    origin-trial: AvlUIFJouPpJAKljRGh7EnYm2Brnx/eu51h39Z7p11vbzNlw2YhkUhxvxZdkS709VlGGNw4Gcg/a9mAzHDrEcQ0AAAB5eyJvcmlnaW4iOiJodHRwczovL3BpbnRlcmVzdC5jb206NDQzIiwiZmVhdHVyZSI6IlNlbmRGdWxsVXNlckFnZW50QWZ0ZXJSZWR1Y3Rpb24iLCJleHBpcnkiOjE2ODQ4ODYzOTksImlzU3ViZG9tYWluIjp0cnVlfQ==

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    Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:08:45 GMT

    Vary: User-Agent, Accept-Encoding

    X-CDN: fastly

    alt-svc: h3=":443";ma=600

    Pinterest-Generated-By: coreapp-webapp-prod-0a03ad4e

    Pinterest-Version: d0ee8ee

HTTP Header Checker

When you have a website, you’re responsible for making sure it is working properly. If your site is laggy or simply not loading, you could miss out on a ton of potential customers. If the URL and site aren’t working properly, you’ll need to test it to find out why.

But how do you get this information? One of the best ways to view and check the status of a website or server is to check the HTTP headers.

How to Check HTTP Headers

When running a campaign or working on your SEO, it is imperative that your links are not only accurate, but functional. Having a dead link or a server/request problem can be a huge roadblock to successful progress.

Solution? Make our HTTP server header checker part of your toolkit.

Our free header checker tool makes it incredibly quick and easy to check the server response for any URL. Simply paste your accurate URL into the blank field and click “Check Now”. Our HTTP status checker will instantly provide you with information including the status code, server, content type, requested page, keep-alive, caching headers, and any other headers being used. It’s our favorite tool for viewing your HTTP headers.

Using this information, you will be able to learn much more about a URL than you could with the naked eye. The right combination of headers can boost site performance, increase load times, and more. Our clean and simple interface was designed to make the process of viewing and checking headers quick and easy. Whether your site and its content are developed by PHP or another language, our headers checker tool will make sure you always know what’s going on behind the scenes.

What Are HTTP Headers?

HTTP headers are part of a website response that are normally hidden and can only be seen by a browser. They are a bit of code that informs the browser what it should do when viewing and/or opening the website. Essentially, they transfer data from a browser to the server and vice versa. These headers carry important information about the browser, the webpage, and the server itself.

In general, there are two different types of HTTP headers: the HTTP request header and the HTTP response header. The request header is sent to a server, which then sends back a response header.

HTTP Status Codes

While HTTP headers can help you see important information like software versions, content types, and cookie strings, the status codes are arguably the most important. An HTTP status code will quickly and easily tell you the status of a given website. A good and functional URL should always return with a response of 200 to show a successful request has been made.

In addition to 200, a few other common status codes include:

200 – The request has succeeded

301 – The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource SHOULD use one of the returned URIs.

302 – The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI.

401 – The request requires user authentication.

404 – Not Found, he server has not found anything matching the Request-URI.

500 – Internal Server Error

503 – Service Unavailable,he server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.